We’ve got a new section up on the blog y’all! I’ve had a few people ask to post about my travel style, so I decided to start posting about my travel outfits, what I pack, etc.
Fashion has been something I have loved for as long as I can remember, but if you saw me at an airport over a year ago you never would have been able to tell. I was the girl that lived in Lulus, tennis shoes, a baseball cap, and no makeup. I may still rock this for an early morning leisure flight or if I’m really not feeling it that day, but back then it was my travel uniform. Well then I got a job that requires you to travel in at least business casual attire, look presentable, and 99% of the time head straight to work from the airplane. Game changer. I stepped it up and have enjoyed putting together cute yet comfortable outfits. I have my staples for everything: red-eyes, international, short hauls, cross-country, you name it. I look forward to sharing them all with you!
As you know from my post on what was in my carry-on a few days ago, I am currently in San Francisco! My flight wasn’t until past 10am, so I had time for a morning workout, quick shower, then it was off to the airport. It is hot in Texas right now, so I needed something that would transition from that good ol’ Texas heat to the not so warm San Francisco weather (which actually was not the case this weekend). A casual meeting was also first on my agenda upon arrival, so I had to look well put together.
I opted for comfortable jeans in a dark navy color (more dressed up than actual jeans color), a tweed tank top (professional, comfy, good for both climates), grey booties (way more comfortable than they look), and brought along a white jacket.

Safe travels y’all!
Chelsea Rose Martin
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